Category Archives: New legislation

Canadian CRTC Report on Recent Anti-Spam Law (CASL) Enforcement

CANADIAN CASL (ANTI-SPAM LAW) PRECEDENTS Do you need a precedent or checklist to comply with CASL (Canadian anti-spam law)? We offer Canadian anti-spam law (CASL) precedents and checklists to help electronic marketers comply with CASL.  These include checklists and precedents for express consent requests (including … Read the rest of this entry »

New Canadian Commissioner of Competition Increases Focus on Digital Economy

Practical Law Canada has published a New Legal Update, which discusses recent Canadian Competition Bureau (Bureau) and policy changes relating to competition and the digital economy in Canada. This new Update includes key points from recent Commissioner of Competition speeches, media interviews and conferences hosted by … Read the rest of this entry »

Canadian CRTC Ups the CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Law) Liability Ante For Directors and Officers

CANADIAN CASL (ANTI-SPAM LAW) PRECEDENTS Do you need a precedent or checklist to comply with CASL (Canadian anti-spam law)? We offer Canadian anti-spam law (CASL) precedents and checklists to help electronic marketers comply with CASL.  These include checklists and precedents for express consent requests (including … Read the rest of this entry »

Misleading Advertising Elements For Canadian Civil Actions Confirmed By Ontario Superior Court

In a recent case handed down by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, in Rebuck v. Ford Motor Company, the Court confirmed the key requirements for commencing Competition Act misleading advertising based class actions in Ontario under sections 52 and 36 of the Competition Act. … Read the rest of this entry »

Canadian Competition Bureau Issues New Competition Act Immunity and Leniency Programs

My new Canadian Lawyer column discusses the Competition Bureau’s newly updated Immunity and Leniency Programs, which are its leading tools for detecting and enforcing criminal violations of the Competition Act including the criminal misleading advertising provisions of the Competition Act. The Competition Bureau’s new Immunity and Leniency Programs … Read the rest of this entry »

Canada’s New Federal Cannabis/Marijuana Legislation (Bill C-45) Receives Royal Assent

In 2016, Canada’s federal government announced its plan to introduce legislation to legalize recreational cannabis/marijuana use. On April 13, 2017, Bill C-45 (the federal Cannabis Act), was introduced into Canada’s House of Commons and has now been passed by both the House of Commons and Senate and received … Read the rest of this entry »

Cannabis/Marijuana Marketing in Canada: Proposed New Cannabis Act Law

Practical Law Canada Competition has published a new Legal Update, which discusses proposed new cannabis/marijuana marketing and labeling rules under the draft federal Cannabis Act. Below is an excerpt with a link to the full Update published by Practical Law Canada, Competition. ___________________ This Legal … Read the rest of this entry »

New Competition Bureau Guidance on Influencer Marketing, Made in Canada Claims and Savings Claims

The Competition Bureau (Bureau) has published the fourth volume of its Deceptive Marketing Practices Digest (Marketing Digest), which provides guidance from the Bureau on influencer marketing, “Made in Canada” claims and savings claims (see Bureau releases Deceptive Marketing Practices Digest Volume 4). In general, the Bureau’s … Read the rest of this entry »