Category Archives: New legislation

Lawyer Advertising Report to Come Before Convocation in Early New Year

Earlier today the Law Times published an interesting update to the Law Society of Upper Canada’s (LSUC) review of lawyer advertising (see: LSUC Action on Advertising Coming This Year). In its note, the Law Times reported that the LSUC Treasurer said he expects that the … Read the rest of this entry »

Ontario to Mandate “All-In” Prices For Travel Advertising, Reflects Larger Regulatory Push For Upfront Pricing

Earlier today, the Ontario Government announced that it was introducing new rules to ensure up-front pricing for travel services (amendments to the Ontario Travel Industry Act). In particular, the Government will require that travel advertising includes taxes and fees as of January 1, 2017. The … Read the rest of this entry »

Competition Bureau’s Annual Internet Advertising Enforcement Sweep Focuses on False or Misleading Endorsements

Earlier today, the Canadian Competition Bureau (Bureau) announced that its most recent annual Internet advertising sweep focused on false or misleading online endorsements (see: Annual Internet Sweep Focuses on Online Reviews and Endorsements). The Bureau said that this year’s annual Internet sweep was aimed at … Read the rest of this entry »

Why CASL is Bad for Canada’s Economy and How to Lighten It

CANADIAN CASL (ANTI-SPAM LAW) PRECEDENTS Do you need a precedent or checklist to comply with CASL (Canadian anti-spam law)? We offer Canadian anti-spam law (CASL) precedents and checklists to help electronic marketers comply with CASL.  These include checklists and precedents for express consent requests (including … Read the rest of this entry »

Canada Increases Scrutiny of Online Paid Endorsements/Testimonials

An interesting Canadian Business article on paid endorsements caught my eye earlier today. It discusses the increasing scrutiny of advertising regulators in Canada and the United States to require clear disclosures of material connections for online endorsements, including new Canadian Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) rules … Read the rest of this entry »

Contest Law: Pinterest Updates Its Promotion Guidelines

CANADIAN CONTEST RULES/PRECEDENTS Do you need contest rules and forms for a Canadian contest/sweepstakes? I offer a selection of Canadian contest rules and forms for random draw, skill and other common types of Canadian contests (i.e., contest precedents and forms). For more information see Canadian Contest … Read the rest of this entry »

CASL’s (Anti-spam Law) Private Action Rights – Less Than a Year Until in Force

CANADIAN CASL (ANTI-SPAM LAW) PRECEDENTS Do you need a precedent or checklist to comply with CASL (Canadian anti-spam law)? We offer Canadian anti-spam law (CASL) precedents and checklists to help electronic marketers comply with CASL.  These include checklists and precedents for express consent requests (including … Read the rest of this entry »

Canadian Anti-Spam Law: (CASL): New CRTC Guidance on Documenting Consent

CANADIAN CASL (ANTI-SPAM LAW) PRECEDENTS Do you need a precedent or checklist to comply with CASL (Canadian anti-spam law)? We offer Canadian anti-spam law (CASL) precedents and checklists to help electronic marketers comply with CASL.  These include checklists and precedents for express consent requests (including … Read the rest of this entry »