Sweeping Canadian Competition Act Amendments (Bill C-59) Passed June 20, 2024

On June 20, 2024, Bill C-59 was passed, introducing the second of two recent significant rounds of amendments to Canada’s federal Competition Act (the first round introduced by Bill C-56).

This new round of amendments to the Competition Act completes a sweeping overhaul of Canada’s Competition Act across virtually all key provisions of Canada’s competition legislation. These amendments are also the most significant changes to Canadian competition law since the modern Competition Act came into effect in 1986 replacing the former Combines Investigation Act.

The Bill C-59 amendments, among other things, strengthen the Competition Bureau’s powers to enforce key deceptive marketing provisions of the Competition Act (e.g., relating to drip pricing, performance claims and ordinary selling price (OSP) claims), strengthen private party rights to seek Competition Tribunal remedies (e.g., for civil deceptive marketing and violations of the civil agreements provisions of the Act), introduce new penalties (e.g., administrative monetary penalties for violating the civil agreements provisions of the Act and for “reprisal actions” penalizing individuals for complying with the Act) and introduce a new clearance regime for environmental protection related agreements. The merger review regime was also substantially overhauled, eliminating the efficiency defence, introducing market share presumptions and a more restrictive remedial test for restoring competition.

These amendments and those passed in December 2023 (Bill C-56) increase the potential competition law risk for companies, trade and professional associations and others, particularly those without credible and effective competition law compliance programs and that have not reviewed their business practices in light of Canada’s amended competition laws.

Our blogs will be updated to reflect these amendments.



We are a Toronto based Canadian competition and advertising law firm that helps clients in Toronto, Canada and the United States practically navigate Canada’s advertising and marketing laws and offers Canadian advertising/marketing law services in relation to print, online, new media, social media and e-mail marketing.

Our Canadian advertising/marketing law services include advice in relation to anti-spam legislation (CASL), Competition Bureau complaints, the general misleading advertising provisions of the federal Competition Act, Internet, new media and social media advertising and marketing, promotional contests (sweepstakes) and sales and promotions. We also provide advice relating to specific types of advertising issues, including performance claims, testimonials, disclaimers, drip pricing, astroturfing and native advertising.

For more information about our services, see: services

To contact us about a potential legal matter, see: contact

For more information about our firm, visit our website: Competitionlawyer.ca

This entry was posted in Advertising Law, Articles, Associations, Behavioural Advertising, Cases, Class Actions, Comparative Advertising, Competition Bureau, Competition Law, Competition Litigation, Compliance, Consumer Protection, Contests, Electronic Marketing, Fraud, Greenwashing, Internet Advertising, New legislation, New Publications, News, Online Advertising, Performance Claims, Price Advertising, Publications, Sectors - Airlines, Sectors - Broadcasting, Sectors - Construction, Sectors - Food, Sectors - Food Services, Sectors - Internet & New Media, Sectors - Media, Sectors - Oil, Sectors - Pharmacists, Sectors - Real Estate, Sectors - Retail, Sectors - Telecommunications, Sectors - Telemarketing, Sectors - Videogames, Social media marketing, Sweepstakes, Targeted Advertising, Testimonials, Trade Associations and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.