Tag Archives: Canadian Competition Act amendments

2024 Competition Act Amendments (Bill C-59): Significantly Increased Penalties and Enforcement Options Across Key Areas of Canadian Competition Law

OVERVIEW OF BILL C-59 AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPETITION ACT On June 20, 2024, Bill C-59 was passed, which introduced the third of three recent significant rounds of amendments to Canada’s federal Competition Act (together with amendments that were passed in June 2022 and December 2023). This third round of … Read the rest of this entry »

Sweeping Canadian Competition Act Amendments (Bill C-59) Passed June 20, 2024

On June 20, 2024, Bill C-59 was passed, introducing the second of two recent significant rounds of amendments to Canada’s federal Competition Act (the first round introduced by Bill C-56). This new round of amendments to the Competition Act completes a sweeping overhaul of Canada’s Competition Act across virtually all key provisions of … Read the rest of this entry »

Significant Proposed Deceptive Marketing Law Amendments to the Competition Act Under Bill C-59

RECENT AND PROPOSED COMPETITION ACT AMENDMENTS (BILLS C-56 AND C-59) On December 15, 2023, Bill C-56 (An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Competition Act), which introduced the first of two new significant rounds of amendments to the federal Competition Act, largely came into force. … Read the rest of this entry »

Competition Commissioner Argues Key Canadian Markets Are Highly Concentrated and Again Advocates for Stage II Competition Act Amendments

On May 2, 2023, Canada’s Globe and Mail published an opinion by Canada’s Commissioner of Competition (Commissioner), Matthew Boswell, arguing that key Canadian consumer markets are highly concentrated and urging for another new round of Competition Act reform. In this regard, in general, the Commissioner … Read the rest of this entry »